Saturday, November 9, 2013

Middle Earth Challenge, Day 9

Prettiest Dress
So, yesterday I said that one of the things I really admire about The Lord of the Rings films is the costumes. Today, I am supposed to post my favourite dress. This is actually easier than posting my favourite costume, because, hands down, I like Eowyn's clothes the best. She wears lovely, lovely things. I don't think she wears a single dress that I do not like. My favourite is still probably the simple brown jumper she wears during the journey to Helm's Deep. There is also a very fine riding gown that is almost my choice for prettiest dress. This is it here - see the golden embroidery? Love it:

The only problem with selecting that dress, is that she only wears it for a few scenes, and aside from the really gorgeous sleeves, you seldom get a really good look at the dress as a whole. So the dress that I think is the prettiest, it the one she wears to Theodred's funeral


And since you get a wee little glimpse more if it in this clip (and as I happen to be rather crazy about this song) here is Eowyn, singing at her cousin's funeral:

If you are interested in finding out more about the Middle Earth Challenge, click here.

1 comment:

Kirsten Fichter said...

I love the way they did her hair for the funeral, and yes, I love how they had her sing for her cousin. Usually, film makers don't include original songs from the book in their movies, but PJ (although messing some things up) did well with this song by including it in TTT.