Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Here's a Hand, My Trusty Fiere

I know that it is almost cliche to post Auld Lang Syne as the song for New Year's Day, nor is this the first time I have done so, but I came across this so very charming old video of being performed, that delighted me so much that I feel duty-bound to share it. The singer's voice threw me at first-- one does not expect this Scots when one sees the name Paolo Nutini-- but it is perfect for the song, as is the setting, and is the fact that it is old, and the quality is poor. It is not sung to the more common tune we are accustomed to hearing. This is the older, original tune that Rabbie Burns had in mind when he wrote the thing.

And for those of you who find the Scots rather beyond your ken, here is a rather decent explanation of the lyric that not only translates some of the more obscure phrases (right guid-willie waught....huh?) but also gives a bit of background and commentary upon it, which is worth reading.

And since today is also a holy day of obligation-- amongst other feasts, commemorating the Holy Name of Jesus, I am posting this beautiful Gregorian hymn, in honour of His Name. (And there are bells, whats not to love?)

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