Saturday, December 29, 2018

Lordings, Listen to Our Lay

Today being the feast day of St. Thomas a Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and a Norman by blood, I have, after a prodigious amount of search, found a translation of an old Anglo Norman carol to share with you. It is a bit late for our purposes, as it dates back to the 13th century, while St. Thomas lived at the end of the 12th, but it still seems rather appropriate. You can read about the carol at the incomparable Hymns and Carols of Christmas. I like that the original contained wassails at the end, and while I am both pleased and gratified to have found this carol (after having come across a mention of an early Anglo Norman carol encouraging the drinking of wine and ale, until heads do sink) I would have been even more delighted if they had managed to include the last verse. Ah well. One cannot have everything:

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