Thursday, December 21, 2017

O Clavis Daid

Ok. So technically, I missed yesterday..... which is rather vexing, as I did the sketch. But the evening was busy in a very good and Christmasy way, and since my only means of taking pictures is with a crappy little camera phone, they tend to need a bit of cleaning up before I can post them. (And even then, they are never great pictures.) I did not have a chance to do that until this morning, so you are getting yesterday's Antiphon today, and I hope to post today's Antiphon this evening.

Here is the chanting of the Antiphon. I again toyed with the idea of a polyphonic arrangement, but they seem a bit over-wrought to me, and I think the prayers benefit from the understated chant:

And, as has been my custom during this series, I am providing an additional link for those interested in learning more about this particular antiphon, and/or having a little thoughtful meditation upon it.

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