Thursday, January 2, 2020

Carol of the Birds

Every now and again, a newer Christmas song comes along that I quite like. This doesn't happen so often as most modern Christmas songs... well aren't. They are set around Christmas incidentally, but nothing about the tune, the subject matter, or the feel of them have anything to do with Christmas at all. In fact, I tend to go through a bah-humbug period early on every December, when the deplorable stuff starts showing up on the radio and driving me crazy. 

This one, however, rather struck my fancy. Birds show up on several carols--  there is a Catalan carol, an Irish one, and (if I remember aright) a Polish one as well. I am not sure which one Tim Eriksen was drawing from here, (not the Irish) nor how much of it is new, but the overall effect is quite good, I think... and really, I do not understand why more artists don't do this sort of thing. I mean, who wants to hear another cheesy love song, that is made into an even cheesier Christmas song, because we happened to have snow and and a reference to Santa in it? Wouldn't we all rather hear about birds?

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