Thursday, December 26, 2019

On the Feast of Stephen

Merry Christmas! I hope you all having a very merry, blessed and beautiful Christmastide.

For the feast of St. Stephen, I present this rather odd version of Good King Wenceslaus. Mediaeval Baebes are one of those musical groups that on paper look like they should be a good fit for my musical tastes, but I have never been entirely sure what to make of them. When they're good, they're very, very good, and when they're not, they're weird. This version of Good King Wenseslaus  may actually be straying a wee bit more into the weird than I generally prefer, but the unexpected shift of mode, with its dark, minor, and rather Middle Eastern is rather intriguing, and I like the instrumental arrangements that go with it, so I have decided to just go for it, and post a Christmas song that is a bit out of the usual for this blog:

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