One of the most persistent myths about WWII, is that the Catholic Church, somehow, aided and abetted the Nazis. Poor Pope Pius XII, who saved thousands of Jews during the War, is branded as "Hitler's Pope". Contemporary histories tend to accuse the Church of sitting idly by whilst millions of souls went to their deaths. Some particularly bitter folk even suggest that Hitler was disproportionately influenced by his Catholic upbringing, and that his anti-Semitism is a result of a thousand year old Catholic tradition of the same - conveniently overlooking the fact that he has ceased the practice of his Faith long before he reached adulthood. The ironic thing, is that the Jews of that period were unanimous in their praise of the Church's efforts on behalf of their people. Indeed, Albert Einstein goes so far as to say, "Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing the truth." High praise indeed, but current opinion still runs vigourously against her. It is, therefore, eminently satisfying to come across something like this, to back you up in your defence of the Catholics. A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words:

Whee! Cool post, Maria. *likes* it a lot. :-)
Really cool!
I always find it so sad that that myth is so prevalent...
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