The Holy Tridium - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, are probably my favourite part of the Liturgical Year. The ceremonies proper to this time, are particularly beautiful - an astonishingly glorious mixture of keening grief over the death of the beautiful, strong young hero, and soaring exultation at His victory over death and sin. The antiphons are sheer poetry, the music cuts to the very heart. The great mystery of the Cross becomes beautiful and terrible; both human, and of God.
I mentioned my intention of including more poetry on this blog, and I had several ideas germinating when I said that. I set to work, full of the flame of poetic inspiration. I am out of practice, hwever, and for a while, and I struggled mightily to get the poem down in the shape I saw in the back of my mind. I nearly gave up and considered posting an old composition, but when I woke up this morning, the whole thing suddenly fell into place, and I was able to finish it.
His bitter foes got Him at last
Whose Life they long had sought
They wove for Him a net of lies
Bought His Blood at a traitor's price
Caught Him, and cursed Him, and bound Him fast.
They've had their will of Him at last,
And all His doom so dreadly wrought -
An outlaw's death upon the Rood,
Robed all in His own red Blood,
Bound to a Tree and nailed fast.
Are all good things, then come to naught,
When Goodness is so cheaply bought?
And Nature racks herself for grief,
The best amongst us, a holy thief -
Is lost, now, all for which we fought?
But King He was unto the last,
And Love Himself, Who was loved not.
Now all their weavings are unwound
For Life has lain Its own life down
Defeated Death, and bound him fast.
All lost? - No! Victory here at last -
The fallen World is newly wrought.
The Dragon's reign is at an end
God has made Him one with Men
Called him Comrade, and held him fast.
And, with that, I wish you all most joyous and blessed Easter! May the Risen King keep you close, and send you every grace and happiness.